How artificial intelligence can improve our quality of life?
Artificial intelligence is one of the best fields of modern technology. the power of computing has finally reached a point where artificial intelligence can be taken out of science fiction movies and taken to real life. In fact, you are probably interacting with some form of artificial intelligence almost every day. Turn on those incredibly accurate Netflix recommendations, as well as personalized search results when you type something on Google. While still in its infancy, AI is slowly leaking into our daily lives. But AI has the power to do more, much more, than to recommend which television program will drown next. In the coming years and decades, artificialintelligence companies in india promise to transform the lives of citizens around the world. These are some of the key ways in which artificial intelligence technology will shape the future, and how it will not only provide super cool devices, but also improve the quality of life for all of us: Auton...